Buddleia Butterfly Candy Collection

Buddleia Butterfly Candy Collection

The butterfly bush is arguably one of the most striking and well-loved shrubs for summertime as they bloom with plentiful fragrance. However, historically, one of the main issues of Buddleias were their sheer overwhelming size. Growing up to four metres tall, the flowers would be lost in the sky on their branches, too far removed from ground level for their blooms or fragrance to be admired.

Peter McDermott explains why Buddleia Butterfly Candy is such a well-loved shrub collection.

Thankfully modern plant breeders have created a contemporary series of butterfly bush which reduces their intimidating height into a compact fragrant form with masses of flowers. The Butterfly Candy Series features three vibrant shades that cover the whole spectrum of colours found in Buddleias.

What plants will I get in the Buddleia Butterfly Candy Collection?

The Butterfly Candy Series is supplied as three different types of Buddleias in 9cm pots. The varieties are as follows:

Buddleia ‘Butterfly Candy Little Ruby’

Busting into life in July, the beautiful bold ruby-red blooms will last through to the start of autumn where the brightly coloured spires of tiny flowers will light up your patio pots or mixed borders.

Buddleia ‘Butterfly Candy Little White’

Elegant clusters of soft creamy-white flowers are irresistible to butterflies.

Buddleia ‘Butterfly Candy Little Purple’

Beautiful spires of lavender-blue blooms are nestled amongst deep green foliage.

Winter hardy and perfect border plants, these Buddleias are beneficial in a sunny position for one crucial reason – butterflies adore them! Radiant sunshine will ensure that the pollen and nectar are at their absolute best for pollinators. To ensure you get the most out of the Butterfly Candy series, ensure that you plant them towards the middle of a sunny border. Otherwise, their compact nature means they make great plants for containers and plant pots. So if you have ever wanted to try adding patio plants to your garden, then these would be a perfect start. Gardeners with balconies or limited outdoor space can now watch these compact varieties grow from midsummer all the way through to autumn, attracting waves of beautiful butterflies in the process.

The Butterfly Candy Series is a testament to how the Buddleia has overcome their historic misfortunes by becoming the perfect flowering shrub for the modern garden. If you haven’t grown Buddleia before, the Butterfly Candy Series is the ideal collection for instant bursts of vivid and fragrant blooms that are guaranteed to bring the wow factor to your garden.

How to Plant Buddleia Butterfly Candy Collection

Plant our Buddleia series in garden borders or containers in any moist, well drained garden soil, in full sun or semi-shade. When planting in pots, a soil-based compost like our premium professional compost will be ideal.

When planting, dig a hole a little deeper and 3 x wider than the nursery pot. Add a soil conditioner such as well-rotted manure to the earth removed from the hole if necessary. Remove the plant from its pot and tease out a few of the roots. Place your plant in the hole at the same level as the pot. Refill the hole with the earth removed (backfilling) and firm in the spoil with you heel, avoiding the root ball.

How to Care For Buddleia Butterfly Candy Collection

Once established, the Butterfly Candy Series is drought tolerant and winter hardy.

Buddleias are low maintenance plants, yet they benefit from light pruning in spring to keep their shape compact. Prune in March, once the hardest frosts are over, as the new growth begins to show. Firstly, remove any dead, diseased, damaged, or weak stems, before pruning all off the remaining stems back to form a low framework.

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