Eazy Grow MP Peat Free Coco Compost Boxed

Eazy Grow MP Peat Free Coco Compost Boxed

As the debate grows around the use of Peat in compost, we’ve been working our hardest to provide an environmentally friendly option that still offers fantastic results for your plants.

Our Premium Professional Eazy Grow Peat Free Compost is the perfect solution and is incredibly versatile, whether you need compost for your hanging basket plants, indoor plants or absolutely any plant pot at all – we’ve got you covered.

YouGarden founder Peter McDermott showcasing this new compost.

Why is our peat free compost better?

Our compost is crafted with the environment in mind with the compressed format ensuring efficient transportation. As well as this, our compost is totally peat free as it’s made from Coir, a by-product of the coconut industry. Specifically, Coir is the husk of a coconut which is typically discarded as a waste product. By repurposing as compost, this is the ultimate natural and sustainable option that plants will absolutely thrive in.

Our Coir also contains slow-release fertiliser in a range of sizes. The bigger granules deploy nutrients over a longer period whilst the smaller granules deploy nutrients at a shorter rate. This ensures that there’s a mix of long term, medium term, and short-term nutrients within your compost to nurture your plants throughout the growing season.

How does our peat free compost arrive to you?

Our Eazy Grow MP Peat Free Coco Compost arrives to you in a pack of two compressed blocks for maximum efficiency. You can store the compost with absolute ease in your garden shed or garage without taking up much needed space. Each block creates 40 litres of compost, totalling to an impressive 80 litres worth to use for all your gardening needs.

How to use our Peat Free compost

When you’re ready to use your compost, simply break off a section of the block, place in a dish and pour over water. The fast-acting compost will begin to expand and break out of its compressed form and become ready for use.

To activate the 40L worth of compost, you will need 15L of water which equates to around three full standard watering cans.

A great way to do this is to lay your compost in a wheelbarrow. If your wheelbarrow has a hole in, lay a bin bag at the bottom to ensure there’s no leaks.

Put the block of compost in the wheelbarrow and soak with 15L of water. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the compost to fully break down into its lovely light texture.


Not only does this compost offer an excellent Peat Free solution for your gardening needs, but you can re-use it for up to 3 years just by adding more fertiliser, making it excellent value for money.

With Eazy Grow Coco Compost you have the ultimate low-maintenance compost ensuring your plants are fed for months on end. Not only this but you can do your bit to help the environment at the same time. What’s not to like!

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